September blog

Posted on 13th September, 2010

Just had two new contacts to add to our evergrowing number.


Geoff Slack living just outside Doncaster. Paul Coddington found an old number and passed it on to me and I am glad to say that it was still in use. I had a nice long conversation with Geoff and he tells me that after he got out of the army he joined the RAF for a few years. Finally ended up with the Prison Service.


Had a shorter chat with Les Painting who lives in Telford Shropshire. so I did not find out much about his movements after 51 sqn. Hope to speak again with him some time in the future.


The latest newsletter has gone out via emails and snail mail and I think I am slowlly working towards a more proffesional looking publication as I find what seems to work and what doesn't. Also it helps as I get more news worthy emails and stories from people like Roy Pinnock and Tony Allen.


In case you are thinking of submitting something for the newsletter and are not sure of what to write. It is always interesting to find out what people have been doing since leaving the army. Even if you just did a nine to five job I am sure that something will have happened in the last forty years that will be worth writing about.


Some of you will have sons, Daughters and grand children serving in the forces so be proud and let us know.


Thats about it for this time.



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