Ron Field. I do not have picture at the moment. Ron passed away in April of this year after suffering various illnessess. He will be missed. I had many long chats and his usuall banter will remain with me for a long time. RIP Mate
John Farrow
John passed away mid Augst 2021. He was part of the gang that attended reunion. His face and presence will be missed by us all. RIP Mate
Gareth Davies
Les Painting
Nev Strong
Passed away 2019. Neve didn,t manage to make the reunions but he did send us a recorded video and we did mana ge a chat on the phone and a few emails passed back and forth. RIP Mate
Sam Choudry Sam passed away around 2017 We had only just manage to track him dow an he attended two reunions. I am glad I had a chance to meet him again. Once again one of the Good Guys. RIP mate
Frank Hughes
Frank passed away Sunday 24th March 2019. He will be missed by many. I had some great times with him and geordie Ashton (Big Ugg and Litte Ugg) I hpe they are together having a great time. RIP Frank
Roy Pinnock
Roy Died 17th February 2018, within a few weeks of his wife. I will miss or chats on the phone where we put the world to rights. When I went back to visit D Block at RAF Seletar I could still recall Roys echos shouting us down on Parade. Rest in peace mate you will be missed
Arthur (Geordie) Taroni Art
Andy Armitage
Passed away 10:50 Tuesday 17 Jan 2017 Fond memories of good times In Malawi in particular. RIP mate
John (Pip Harris)
I had many happy times with Pip He was always be remembered as a great character Passed away 28 November 2016 RIP mate
Bernie Barber mate you will be missed.
Kevin Justin Passed away Friday 20th November 2015. Kevin was suffering from Lung cancer. RIP mate.
Malcolm Scott Passed away 20 April 2015 . Rest in peace mate.
Maurice Keane. Our Sgt Major in Singapore passed away on the 12th January 2015 aged 91 He became an officer before leaving the army He touched on many lives and some will remember him with mixed feelings. But I know he never did me any harm and I will always remember him with respect. RIP
Gareth (Taff) Finney.
We have an obituary from Canada that reports
Passed away on the 1st of may 2013 just two weeks short of his 86th Birthday. He had been ill for a while and I think the fact that he heard from a few old 51 mates may have helped cheer him up. RIP mate
Barry (Brummy) Duckhouse
George Dawkins
RIP George.
It is with great sadness that I post this notice. Ron SnookPassed away the early hours of the 18th April 2012.Ron helped organise the Reunions that we held over the past 5 years. I know he enjoyed our get to gethers and his input helped the thing to keep going and without his initial input I don't think it would have been so easy at the start.RIP mate.
Billy Eathorne
Dave Hamilton
R I P Davey
Harry Cook
Harry passed away in the early hours of 22 November 2011. He was a good mate since we first met at Ripon in 1965. I will miss you mate rest in peace Another good man gone.
Derek Keetch
John Ashton
RIP mate you will be missed.
Phil Sanderson
Bill (Scouse) Johnson
Colin Brandrick
RIP Mate.
When john retired he went to live in Cyprus and spent his last years there. He died in the latter part of 2009. RIP John. We had passed emails back and forth before he died and he seemed realy chuffed that he had contacted someone from the old Squadron.
Passed away about two years ago. Best remembered as
It is with some sadness that I have to tell you that Ian (Aker) Atkinson passed away 12th February 07. His brother was kind enough to let me know after reading the other Web Site. I am sure he will be missed by his family and many people that knew him. I don't think I ever knew any one to have bad word to say about Aker. I found him to be one of lifes gentlemen.
passed away some time ago but he will be remembered by many as one of the good guys.
Ken Died shortly after we got back from Singapore.
MICHAEL (MOE) KINSMAN I found Moe kinsman's Daughter via Friends Reunited but she tells me that Her Dad sadly passed away at the age of 52 in1995. He had been working in Saudi prior to his death. He was a good mate of mine and I feel Sad that I never had chance to see him again. RIP mate. His wife Mary is alive and well and living in Rochester. He has a Daughter named Marina and a son named Robert who both live in London.
JOHN (SMUDGE)SMITH I now have cofirmation of the death of John. Apparently he died in a road traffic accident some years ago.
He died on night duty at Maghaferry Prison.
I had a note from John Barker informing me that Mike died in November 2006.
I was informed by Clive Lee and also had it confirmed during our Reunion that Mr Wright had died on active service in Oman. This is an extract from the Royal Engineers Journal
Died while laying paving slabs at home. The information came from Tony Mitchell who was serving with him at the time
Stan Flude I do not have any photos of Stan. He was tragically killed by a lorry while working on the Airfield in Beef Island. I do not have any more information than that at the time of writting this so maybe some one can find a photo and supply a few more details some time in the future.
Nobby Pearson
He fell from the balcony of "D" block.