Blog for april

Posted on 23rd April, 2010

Well nothing much in the way of news but I will do my best to make it interesting as possible.

The highlight of the month for me has been my trip to see Harvey Andrews at Chatham. a few more details of that are on the news page.

Mick Marshall has now joined the computer set so, if any one would like his email address just drop me a line.

John Clark has now moved up to Brum and should be settling in his new

home by now. If its any consolation John I still haven't fully unpacked from

my last move and that was about 25 years ago. Good luck in your new

home John.

I am still checking out new venues for the next reunion but so far most

places are very expensive when compared to the King Charles Hotel.

There is still one place I want to check out but I will say more about

that when I have checked availability and prices.

Terry Kirby says he is going to OZ next year and hopes to meet up

with George Dempster and Chris Milne so I hope he will be able to

provide a few pics of the occasion.

I have just had a new shed delivered and I thought I would do a few

other things like a bit of paving and concreting while I was at it and

in the mood. I only mention this as a sign of how old I am getting.

It was the sort of work that only a few years ago would have taken

about 3 days working 8 hrs a day. It has taken me three weeks and

every joint in my body is hurting. When did I suddenly become this

creaky old man.?


Well thats all for now folks

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