Blog for 28 May 09

Posted on 28th May, 2009

A blog is supposed to be a bit like a diary where you put down the days happenings and hopefully it is of interest to others. In the case of a blog on a web site like ours it should incorporate things of interest to the target reader. I some times think that these blogs deteriorate into the type of letter that I used to get off my Mom when I was in the army. You know the kind I mean,” The cat died and we have painted the back door red. I would have sent you money but I have already sealed the envelope.”


The problem is I don’t seem to get much news that is worthy of note.


I get very pleasant chats with people on the phone, which I enjoy, immensely because it is always great to talk to old mates and find out what they have been up to but there is not much in the way of new news in the conversations.


I would like to start a page on the site that gives a brief history of what each person has been up to since leaving 51 Sqn. It would include which units people moved to after 51 and then what they did later in Civilian life. To do something like this successfully each entry would have to be written by each member so that no errors occur. If you think this would be a good Idea please give me some feedback.


The last two additions to our contact list are Alastair (Jock) Brownlie and Malcolm (Chalky) White. I have spoken to both of them and they both seem hale and hearty and both expressed an interest in meeting up at the next reunion.


Alastair took up diving as a career and worked with Jacque Caustue and went all round the world.  (Probably got the spelling wrong but it’s the bloke who used to do undersea diving in black and white in the old days)


I did not get much in the way of history off Chalky and the conversation consisted mainly of him being unable to remember most people I mentioned. It’s a common failing until you manage to get together with people and meet face to face.


I did get an entry on the guest book page from a Lad who served with us in Malawi. He was one of the medics called Robert Walker. He did not leave an email address so I have been unable to get more information from him. I do remember that the medics did a good job of looking after us through bouts of dysentery etc throughout our stay in Malawi. They also did a lot of good works for the locals too. The Army doctor helped out at Livingstonia Mission assisting the Scottish doctor with several operations in the mission Hospital. So Robert if you read this get in touch.

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